ninjinkun's diary


Making It Right: Product Management For A Startup World を読んだ

Rebuild: 98で紹介されていたので、英語だけどがんばって読んでみた。Inspiredと同じ方向性のプロダクトマネジメント本。違う人が同じ事柄について書いているという印象。しかし少しずつ違う視点が入っていて、プロダクトマネージャーの役割が立体的に見えるという意味で両方読む価値はあると思う(もう読んでしまったのでこう言うしかない)。


話題が割と新しめ。Google Buzzと写真共有アプリのColor(懐かしい!)が失敗した話が導入部分。



Chapter 1: Role And Resoponsibility Of The Product Manager


The only thing that matters is getting to product/market fit. Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.


The product manager’s mission is to achieve business success by meeting user needs through the continuous planning and execution of digital product solutions.


It is vastly easier to identify market problems and solve them with technology than it is to find buyers for your existing technology.


First, they need to have their heads in the clouds. PMs need to be leaders who can look into the future and think strategically. They need to be able to develop a vision for where a product should go — and they need to be able to communicate that vision effectively. Further, PMs need to show their teams how they plan to get to that vision. And I do mean show — through sketches, prototypes, storyboards, or whatever it takes to get the message across.


Good PMs are also able to remain flexible and change course when needed, perhaps when there is a big shift in market needs or expectations, or a great business opportunity presents itself.


Consensus cultures often produce watered down, unexciting products.


It was a passing comment and I didn’t really think much of it at the time, but since then I keep going back to that conversation, and the importance of fairness in the product management profession. All the characteristics I just talked about are great, but above all, fairness is the one that a PM simply cannot do without.


Chapter 2: Uncovering Needs


  • User needs
  • Buisiness needs
  • Technical needs

この中でTechinal needsの中には技術的負債なども含まれて居る。PMにとっては技術的負債もマネジメント対象である。

So, user needs research is always the first place to look for how the product can make money.


Chapter 6: User-Centered Design And Workflows



  • Acquisition 獲得: 新しいユーザーがサインアップした
  • Activation 利用開始: 獲得したユーザーが最初の購入をした
  • Activity 活発さ: 最初に購入したユーザーが戻ってきてさらに活動した

It won’t always be easy, but every UCD project should be measurable in terms of its impact on the business; tying it to one of the three ‘A’s is a good structured way of anchoring all design changes in business goals and, ultimately, revenue.

いつも簡単ではないけれど、すべてのUCD(User Centered Design)プロジェクトはビジネスのインパクトとして計測できるものであるべきだ。三つのAはデザインの変更がビジネスのゴール、つまるところレベニューに結びつけるための構造化された良い手法である。

Chapter 7: Specifications

I always think about error handling as the bastard child of user experience design. No one thinks about it until it’s too late, and then they try to sweep it under the rug.


The prototype is often the part of the spec that’s most referenced by developers, since it’s the most useful.


Chapter 8: Build and Release


The main issue is that designers and developers approach their respective crafts from very different perspectives. Design is about composition — how to put hundreds of tiny elements together so that the whole makes sense. Development is about deconstruction — how to break down the whole into pieces that can be implemented effectively.


Chapter 9: Assess and Iterate

Research triangulation — also known as mixed method research — is a helpful methodology to keep in mind here.



A/B testing shouldn’t be used on its own to make decisions — it should always be used in conjunction with other research methods, both qualitative (such as usability testing and ethnography) and quantitative (such as desirability studies).


Since every research and testing method comes with its own limitations, a combination of methods is the only way to get the full picture and make the right decisions.




Making It Right: Product Management For A Startup World (English Edition)

Making It Right: Product Management For A Startup World (English Edition)

